Session titles
Agriculture at the margins:
Division 1: Plant system biology: The cultivated plant in a field
Crop adaptation to high latitudes
Crop stress response
Omics in crop sciences
Modelling up to the whole-plant level
Resource use efficiency
Yield gap assessment and reduction
Division 2: Field scale agroecology: The cultivated field as an ecosystem
Crop protection, allelopathy, and pesticide reduction
Field biodiversity
Legume-supported rotations
Management of novel crops, including cover/catch-crop systems
Modelling up to the crop, field or farm level
Soils and soil-plant(-microbe) interactions
Water management
Division 3: Cropping systems at farm, regional and global scales: The cropping system in its embedding systems
Agricultural landscape features
Environmental impacts of cropping systems
Extension and education
Farming systems design
Energy efficiency in cropping, including tillage systems
Modelling at the system level
Sustainable bioenergy cropping
The keynote speakers at ESA12 are
Albajes, Ramon (Spain). Ecological footprint of agriculture and crop protection: analyzing environmental impacts of crop protection methods within an integrated framework
Donatelli, Marcello (Italy). Estimating impact assessment and adaptation strategies under climate scenarios for crops in Europe
Ekbom, Barbara (Sweden). How field biodiversity can enhance ecosystem services
Foulkes, M. John (UK). Increasing the efficiency of water and nutrient use of crops by exploitation of novel germplasm, traits and technologies
Fowler, D. Brian (Canada). Low-temperature stress in cereals: know the land - know your crop
Keatinge, J.D.H (Dyno) (Taiwan). Climate uncertainty: What response is needed from vegetable agronomists worldwide?
Kirkegaard, John (Australia). Soil-plant interactions and Australia’s conservation farming revolution: sense, nonsense and roots to success
Peltonen-Sainio, Pirjo (Finland). Coping with the special features of the extreme northern corner of crop production
Pointereau, Philippe (France). Energy efficiency in cropping, including tillage systems
Slafer, Gustavo (Spain). Matching growth of wheat production and demand: shall we further increase yield potential or close the gap with actual yields?
Tardieu, Francois (France). Plant Phenotyping, a new field and opportunity for crop scientists
Thrän, Daniela (Germany). Sustainable bioenergy cropping
Tittonell, Pablo (Netherlands). Supporting design and co-innovation in farming systems - Actors, agroecological knowledge and landscape functions
Villalobos, Francisco (Spain). Avenues for improving the productivity of irrigation at different scales
Watson, Christine (UK). Legume-supported crop rotations: A European perspective